Titanium oxide detected in the atmosphere of 'Hot Jupiter'
7 years, 6 months ago

Titanium oxide detected in the atmosphere of 'Hot Jupiter'

Daily Mail  

It is often referred to as 'hot Jupiter' due to its hellishly hot temperatures of 2,000°C, and similar mass to the largest planet in our solar system. In a new study, astronomers have analysed the exoplanet's atmosphere for the first time, and detected small amounts of titanium oxide, water and sodium. By measuring the variations in the planet's radius at different wavelengths of light that passed through the exoplanet's atmosphere, they could extrapolate different properties, such as the chemical content. Their findings revealed that Wasp-19b's atmosphere contains small amounts of titanium oxide, water and traces of sodium, alongside a strongly scattering global haze. By measuring the variations in the planet's radius at different wavelengths of light that passed through the exoplanet's atmosphere, they could extrapolate different properties, such as the chemical content Wasp-19b has about the same mass as Jupiter, but is so close to its parent star that it completes an orbit in just 19 hours.

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