How To Take Great Family Photos On An iPhone, According To Photographers
2 years ago

How To Take Great Family Photos On An iPhone, According To Photographers

Huff Post  

Set up your shot The first step to getting a good family photo is thinking about the composition, Forgione said. "Take the extra time to look at the way your photo is set up," he said. "To help you set up your shot, Forgione recommended grabbing a table tripod that can hold up your phone, allowing you to see what the picture will look like before you take it. "You can all get in the shot that you want and compose the way you want it and take the photo with a timer, so that way everyone could be in the photo," he said.Fitchwell agreed, encouraging all family photo takers to set up the shot and then use the self-timer. "This 12-inch table tripod and wireless remote shutter works for DSLR/digital cameras, GoPros and smartphones up to 3.9 inches wide.

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