SA Government to privatise operation of Adelaide Metro trains and trams
ABCThe South Australian Government has revealed plans to privatise the operation of Adelaide's train and tram services. Key points: SA Government to put out tenders to privatise Adelaide Metro train and tram services Transport Minister Stephan Knoll says the services are underperforming Bus services were privatised in 2000 The Government says it will release tenders to contract for the operation of those services on Adelaide Metro. "There is no doubt that we can and must provide better and more customer-focussed public transport services for South Australians," Mr Knoll said. "We know that public transport patronage growth has stalled, and customers want a better level of services than is currently provided — and the Marshall Government agrees with our customers." Before last year's state election, now-Premier Steven Marshall said the Liberal Party did not have a "privatisation agenda" and its public transport policy did not mention privatisation.