Climate activist Greta Thunberg has zeroed in on a new enemy now: Physics
Op IndiaThe sixteen-year-old Sweedish environmentalist Greta Thunberg who rose to fame after her dramatic critique of the ramifications of climate change at the United Nations has now blamed ‘Physics’ in her latest rant against the imminent environmental degradation. We cannot strike deals with physics.” Read: No ‘Adultsplaining’: Here is a teenager’s grouse with the Greta Thunberg phenomenon Once again training guns at the world politicians, Greta asserted that though prominent politicians, renowned business leaders claim that climate change is under control, the reality is far different from their fictional assertions. Read: The Left has lost its moral compass and using Greta Thunberg to further their narrative is just proof of that Thunberg has been making international headlines for criticizing world leaders who she accuses of letting down youth by doing too little to tackle climate change. Earlier, in the United Nations, Thunberg had held world leaders responsible for not doing enough to counter the consequences of climate change in her over-dramatised ‘How Dare You?” speech.