Humans are not the ultimate beings on earth, there are many in animal, avian, marine spheres that have similar skills and feelings
5 years, 4 months ago

Humans are not the ultimate beings on earth, there are many in animal, avian, marine spheres that have similar skills and feelings


Are all beings the same? • It was considered that sparrows are monogamous but a study, published in The American Naturalist, followed 200 males and 194 females as they formed 313 unique monogamous pairs and hatched 863 broods on Lundy. Research done in the University of Kentucky, published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society, found that pigeons given the choice, to peck a light that would give them three food pellets each time, universally preferred a light that would give them a payout of 10 pellets 20 percent of the time. Ten seconds later, the pigeon would certainly get three food pellets. For example, pigeons that live in enriched environments make less risky choices, which matches human studies finding that people who are satisfied with their lives also tend to gamble less than those who are dissatisfied.

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