Shikha Mukerjee | How the three-shell trick works in India’s politics
Deccan ChronicleIndia’s political theatre is tricky enough to negotiate. Through 2023, the most fiercely monitored leaders will be Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Rahul Gandhi, in his new avatar, after walking and talking his way across India. In 2023, these two narratives — Bharat Jodo versus Bharat Todo — will confront each other in nine separate state elections across India, from the Northeast, where Mizoram, Nagaland, Meghalaya and Tripura will vote, to the heartland, where Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Rajasthan will vote, down into the peninsula where Karnataka and Telangana will vote. Till Rahul Gandhi walked himself into the popular imagination, overshadowing him was easy and using the Congress as a punching bag of every imagined or real past act of omission and commission was politically convenient. Whether Rahul Gandhi will have the stamina to engage Prime Minister Modi over the next 18 months in the inevitable grind of state Assembly electoral contests up until the 2024 Lok Sabha is anybody’s guess, given his past record as an adept at the vanishing trick.