7 steps needed to improve employability in engineering students
India TodayThe employability quotient of graduates in today's day and age is equally proportionate to a curriculum that is dynamic and relevant. University degrees are no longer the priority criteria; instead, employers are seeking specific soft skills that contribute to an effective working environment, which are professionally called "employability skills". Individuals might develop these skills through education, workforce development system, interests, and extra-curricular activities under three major categories: Effective relationships: the personal qualities and interpersonal skills to foster human interactions in relationships the personal qualities and interpersonal skills to foster human interactions in relationships Workplace skills: the analytical and organizational skills to boost productivity and performance at the workplace the analytical and organizational skills to boost productivity and performance at the workplace Applied knowledge: The practice and utilization of knowledge into the pragmatic environment Steps needed to be taken to improve employability in engineering students: 1. If the above measures are followed by technical institutes, it will certainly help improve employability of engineering students. The International Labor Organization once made a statement on how skill development is a critical breakthrough point in enhancing sustainable development process and facilitating the transition from an informal to the formal economy, it is of utmost importance for every higher education institution including engineering colleges to emphasize the employability curriculum and continuously curate it.