Relevancy Of Assessment Year For Taxing Foreign Assets And Income Under The Black Money Act
Live LawWhile presenting the Union Budget in 2015, the then Finance Minister announced, that in order to evade taxes in India some people had stashed away their money outside India and in order to curb this malaise a new legislation will be introduced to tackle the undisclosed assets and income of Indian citizens located outside India. Section 3 of the BMA is the charging provision which addresses taxing the foreign income or foreign asset located outside India for every assessment year which will commence from the 1 st day of April, 2016.The proviso to section 3 stipulates that the undisclosed asset/income located outside India shall be charged to tax on its value in the previous year in which the asset comes to the notice of the Assessing Officer i.e. The proviso to section 3 stipulates that the value of Foreign Asset is to be calculated with respect to the previous year in which the information is received by Assessing Officer but on the other hand, section 72 stipulates that where Foreign Asset is acquired prior to 01.04.2016, the year of acquisition shall be deemed to be the year in which notice under section 10 for the purpose of assessment is issued by Assessing Officer under the BMA. In such a situation, the Fair Market Value of such assets would be determined under section 3 with respect to the Previous Year 2021-22 relevant to Assessment Year 2022-23 but the year of acquisition will be deemed to be Previous Year 2022-23.Such an eventuality will surely raise a statutory conflict that the deemed year of acquisition of Foreign Asset under section 10 will be later than the previous year with respect to which the Fair Market Value of the Foreign Asset is required to be adopted under section 3 of the BMA which obviously sounds illogical. Thus, there is a conflict between section 3 and section 72 of the BMA because Assessment Year based on the deemed year of acquisition of Foreign Asset under section 10 becomes later than the Assessment Year based on the year of receipt of information with respect to which the Fair Market Value of the same Foreign Asset is required to be adopted under section 3 of the BMA.