Director (Legal) Vacancy At Airports Economic Regulatory Authority Of India
Live LawAirports Economic Regulatory Authority of India invites application for the post of Director. Name of the Post: Director No. of post: 01 Age Limit: 65 Years Pay Scale: PB4 holding analogous posts on regular basis in the parent cadre or department; or with three years' experience in level 12 on regular basis in the parent cadre or department; or with eight years' experience in Level 11 on regular basis in the parent cadre or department. All Ministries/Departments, Public Sector Undertakings, Statutory & Autonomous Bodies are requested to forward applications of interested candidates in the prescribed proforma in an envelope super scribing the post applied for so as to reach The Deputy Chief, Airports Economic Regulatory Authority of India, AERA Building, Administrative Complex, Safdarjung Airport, New Delhi - 110003 on or before 28.09.2019 till 5:30 pm along with the following documents till 5:30 pm along with the following documents Updated APAR dossiers of the applicant for the last 5 years.