Shubman Gill wins toss as Titans opt to field first against CSK
New Indian ExpressCHENNAI: Another home game for Chennai Super Kings and once again, a sea of yellow have embraced the MA Chidambaram Stadium on Tuesday as Gujarat Titans won the toss and opted to field first on Tuesday. Despite the familiarity of the contest, there is a lot to look forward to as this contest will be about two young captains — Ruturaj Gaikwad and Shubman Gill. Gill, on the other hand, was promoted after Hardik Pandya left the franchise and began his captaincy stint with a sweet victory against his predecessor in Ahmedabad.”That match was very physically and mentally exhausting,” said Gill at the toss before adding, “Quick turnaround, but we are are used to it. Titans: Saha, Gill, Omarzai, Miller, Vijay Shankar, Tewatia, Rashid, R Sai Kishore, Umesh Yadav, Mohit, Spencer Johnson.