Rajasthan HC Slams State For Denying Mason Post To Man With Amputation In Non-Dominant Hand, Appointing Man With Amputation In Dominant Hand Instead
Live LawRajasthan High Court allowed the petition filed by a candidate denied mason post for being declared medically unfit on account of amputated little finger of his left hand, as opposed to another candidate who was given the employment despite having amputation of finger in his dominant hand. While terming the approach of the State to be “lopsided on the very basic commonsense”, the bench of Justice Arun Monga opined that the petitioner was subjected to discrimination as compared to the other candidate, and observed that what had to be seen for a right-handed person was if he had any unfitness in the same hand, and if not, whether the left hand interfered with the skill of the right hand. Furthermore, the petitioner highlighted that another candidate who had an amputated finger in his right hand was declared medically fit in the review medical examination and was given the appointment by the State. After hearing the contentions, the Court took into account the fact that while the petitioner having defect in his left hand was declared medically unfit, another candidate who was having similar defect in his dominant hand was given the benefit of the appointment.
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