Fusion power research gets a boost
The HinduTHE British government has announced the allotment of £220 million over the next four years towards the design of a commercially viable fusion power station called the Spherical Tokamak for Energy Production. It will also use the tokamak technology that forms the basis of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor project coming up in Cadarache, France, as also fusion power’s predecessor plants such as the JET in the United Kingdom. The “spherical” tokamak technology is currently being pioneered at the Culham Centre for Fusion Energy of the U.K. Atomic Energy Authority. “Nuclear fusion has the potential to be an unlimited clean, safe and carbon-free energy source and we want the first commercially viable machine to be in the U.K.” The investment is expected to come up with an integrated design that will form the basis for a plant capable of generating hundreds of megawatts of net electrical energy that would be up and running by the early 2040s.
History of this topic

Nuclear fusion breakthrough overcomes key barrier to limitless clean energy
The Independent
Scientists achieve nuclear fusion breakthrough for a second time
The Telegraph
Fusion power is coming back into fashion
Hindustan Times
Nuclear fusion breakthrough: 'Holy grail' of power production is closer to reality
Daily Mail
Fusion power is coming back into fashion
The Economist
Major step towards ‘holy grail’ of energy production made with Oxfordshire reactor plans
The Telegraph
Nuclear fusion energy breakthrough: a skeptic’s caveats.
Nuclear fusion breakthrough as ‘ignition’ finally achieved
The Independent
Fusion reactors could provide much more power than previously thought, study suggests
The Independent
Oxford scientists leap ahead in race to harness nuclear fusion
The Telegraph
The JET nuclear fusion project makes a game-changing breakthrough
The Hindu
Nuclear fusion breakthrough opens door to clean and near limitless energy
The Independent
Britain's 'artificial sun' nuclear fusion reactor sets a new world record
Daily Mail
Scientists break through major milestone in harnessing fusion energy
The Independent
The UK’s quest for affordable fusion by 2040
The British reality TV star building a fusion reactor
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