Fact Check: Unrelated Video Shared To Claim Punjab Farmer Watered Grain Sacks To ‘Aid Liquor Mafia’
ABP NewsThe Verdict The video is from 2018 and shows a laborer in Haryana tampering with grain sacks to make more profit. A video purportedly showing a farmer sprinkling water on sacks of grain has been widely shared online, accompanied by claims that the individual is deliberately wetting grains to spoil them. Officials associated with the Fatehabad Market Committee informed Logically Facts that this video is dated and related to an isolated incident, for which actions were already taken. Here’s the fact A reverse image search revealed that the video predates the current farmers' protests, tracing back to a YouTube upload by Punjab Kesari Haryana on April 28, 2018. The verdict A five-year-old video from the Fatehabad market in Haryana has been falsely presented to accuse farmers of tampering with wheat bags in Punjab in 2024, amid the ongoing protests for government support.