双语新闻播报(February 1)
China Daily> Over 300m domestic trips made in China during holiday 2023年春节假期国内旅游出游3.08亿人次 Tourists have fun in Qianyuan Town of Deqing County, Huzhou, East China's Zhejiang province, Jan 22, 2023. About 308 million domestic trips were made in China during this year's Spring Festival holiday, up 23.1 percent year-on-year, said the country's Ministry of Culture and Tourism. 在假期期间,全国各地还举行了各种文化和旅游活动,以刺激夜间消费。 > Pothole becomes China’s Spring Festival Gala hit 小品《坑》成春晚爆款 Pothole, a televised sketch that took aim at bureaucratic inaction, was a major hit during this year’s Spring Festival Gala show. 在今年的春晚小品《坑》中,沈腾刻画了一位“不担当不作为、不肯干也不敢干、卷起袖子在一边看”的“躺平式干部”,一时成为热议话题。 “It vividly depicts a ‘lying-flat’ cadre who lacks a sense of responsibility and disregards public grievances while looking for glorified excuses, such as the public’s ‘low awareness to prevent potential road risks’,” said CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, the country's top anti-graft body. 中纪委强调,“躺平式干部”的社会危害是显而易见的。身为党员干部,应树立和践行正确的政绩观,设身处地了解群众疾苦,以担当做事为荣、以为民服务为乐,摆正工作态度、改善工作作风。 > The truth about canning 罐头为什么保质期这么长? During the mid-19th century, canned food became a status symbol among middle-class households in Europe, being something of a frivolous novelty.