Abortion pill legal challenge threatens miscarriage care
Associated PressLess than a year after losing her daughter Emilia at five days old, Jillian Phillips suffered a miscarriage. Dr. Kristyn Brandi said that would take away “the gold standard of miscarriage management,” the two-drug combination of mifepristone and misoprostol that helps empty the uterus and reduce the chance of infection. Norris, a stay-at-home mom who is active in the group Kentucky for Reproductive Freedom, said it brought “an additional layer of grief.” ‘CHILLING EFFECT’ AND BACKUP PLANS Mifepristone has long been subject to special restrictions, though experts say it’s as safe as the over-the-counter painkiller ibuprofen. “It’s kind of creating this chilling effect” where even though it’s still approved and available, doctors “aren’t going to give it because they’re too worried about whatever ramifications are coming afterward,” Brandi said. “Facilities that don’t want to have anything to do with abortion have chosen not to carry mifepristone on site,” she said.