How To Switch Off From Work When Home Is Your Office
Huff PostLOADING ERROR LOADING In the midst of the coronavirus outbreak, many of us are encouraged to work from home if we can. Then, when you’re relaxing post-work, it’ll help you ward off that feeling you’re chilling in your office, say James Pacey and Rosa Connor, co-founders of Haptivate, who run happiness at work workshops. “It’s good sleep hygiene to only use your bedroom for sleeping – that way your body knows it’s time to switch off when you’re in there, rather than thinking about other things like work.” Follow a routine in the day. “Leave your home like you’re leaving work, walk around the block, and return ‘home’,” says Chambers. “Simulating a commute helps you disconnect from work.” When you’re in an office, at the end of regular working hours, employees say goodbye and announce they’re signing off for the evening.