I spent the night in a lighthouse on a tiny California island. Here’s how you can too
1 year, 2 months ago

I spent the night in a lighthouse on a tiny California island. Here’s how you can too

LA Times  

You might be reluctant to stay at a $475-a-night inn that warns of flashing lights and foghorns throughout the night, or bans one-night guests from bathing, or requires that you be ready to climb a ladder above roiling seas. The East Brother Light Station is a compound of three buildings on a ¾-acre island near the eastern shore of San Francisco Bay. Innkeeper Dre Elmore prepares to captain the short boat trip from Point San Pablo Harbor to the bed-and-breakfast at East Brother Light Station. The East Brother Light Station B&B stands on a tiny island in San Francisco Bay. Innkeeper Dre Elmore captains the short boat trip from Point San Pablo Harbor to East Brother Light Station.

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