Alcohol healthy: The flip-flop on whether it's good for you is easy to understand—if you know who's behind it.
SlateIn 1991 an academic debate spilled out of ivory towers and into the popular imagination. “Mainstream scientific opinion has flipped,” said Tim Stockwell, a professor at the University of Victoria who was on the expert panel that rewrote Canada’s guidance on alcohol and health. According to Marion Nestle, the NYU professor who has studied industry influence in nutrition science, “It’s more complicated than bribery.” In the case of drinking, it is not fair to say that Big Alcohol’s money always results in a slew of outright favorable research, according to a 2015 analysis by Jim McCambridge, chair in Addictive Behaviours and Public Health at the University of York. The important thing to the NIAAA is helping people with addiction; the rest of us just needed to, as the industry tag line puts it, “drink responsibly.” The industry triumphed in reframing the debate because it tapped into an even deeper cultural tension than an argument over alcohol’s health risks and benefits. Alcohol, especially wine, has basked in the warm glow of what industry insiders call a “health halo.” Consumers not only think it’s relatively harmless but also actively beneficial.
History of this topic

Drinking alcohol good for your cholesterol levels? Study reveals unexpected health benefit you won’t believe
Hindustan Times
The dueling science behind how alcohol affects your health
Live Mint
Is moderate drinking safe? New study reveals the hidden dangers of alcohol consumption
Hindustan Times
Nope, "moderate" alcohol consumption isn't good for you: Study
Less alcohol, or none at all, is one path to better health
The Independent
Is drinking alcohol good for you?
Live Mint
No, it is not true that alcohol isn’t ‘good’ for us
The Independent
Alcohol Consumption Poses More Threat to Heart Than Previously Thought: Study
News 18
Daily glass of wine is not good for you, world heart experts say
The Independent
Alcohol-free wine has same health benefit as normal wine, study suggests
The Independent
Higher alcohol consumption linked to increased stroke risk
India TV News
Even one drink raises stroke risk, study says
Study challenges health benefits of moderate drinking
Associated Press
Alcohol health researchers have exaggerated the risks of drinking – but that doesn’t mean we should ignore all expert advice
The Independent
Alcohol’s health benefits hard to prove, but harms are easy to document
Ties between researchers and alcohol producers prompt NIH to shut down study of moderate drinking
LA Times
Daily Mail
A Toast To Your Health?
Huff Post
A Massive Health Study on Booze, Brought to You by Big Alcohol
Drink to your health? It depends on how much drinking you do, study shows
LA Times
Drinking in moderation slashes risk of a heart attack
Daily Mail
Drinking pint of beer a day linked to reduced risk of heart attack
The Independent
Put down that bottle! Even a drink a day is bad for you, says American Heart Association Journal
Alcohol consumption can double the risk of heart attack, stroke: Study
Is alcohol actually bad for you?
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