REVEALED: Tom Cruise had himself PHOTOSHOPPED into an onset snap with acclaimed directors David Fincher and Cameron Crowe: 'I want to be in that picture!'
1 year, 1 month ago

REVEALED: Tom Cruise had himself PHOTOSHOPPED into an onset snap with acclaimed directors David Fincher and Cameron Crowe: 'I want to be in that picture!'

Daily Mail  

Tom Cruise once secured his spot in an epic Hollywood pic after it had already been taken without him, thanks to post-production. The Blood Diamond helmer recalled the hilarious anecdote during an interview with The Hollywood Reporter on Thursday, saying directors Fincher and Crowe had stopped by the Warner Bros set to court Cruise for upcoming projects. Tom Cruise once secured his spot in an epic Hollywood pic after it had already been taken without him, thanks to post-production; pictured in February 2024 Back when he was shooting The Last Samurai with Ed Zwick in 2002, the actor had himself photoshopped into an onset snap of Zwick and directors David Fincher and Cameron Crowe, according to Zwick Zwick noted that he was taken by surprise to see the iconic filmmakers - including Steven Spielberg - poking around the stage built for The Last Samurai. The Blood Diamond helmer recalled the hilarious anecdote during an interview with The Hollywood Reporter on Thursday, saying Fincher and Crowe had stopped by the Warner Bros set to court Cruise for upcoming projects; Zwick in 2019 'The great part of the story is that the unit photographer saw us all together and said, ‘Hey, can I just take your picture?’ So there’s a picture of all of us — except Tom had been called away to do something,' he explained; Cruise seen in The Last Samurai 'And then heard about the picture later, and he saw it and he said, "I want to be in that picture!" The anecdote comes on the heels of news that Tom has made things 'official' with new love interest Elsina Khayrova Meanwhile, Tom's ex-wife Katie Holmes was spotted on a walk with their only child, daughter Suri, 17, in New York on Valentine's Day.

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