If your password is not even 8 characters long, change it immediately
India TodayShort passwords are easier to remember but they come with a lot of security risks. When you pick an easy password for your own convenience, you are often at risk of losing access to your account, but easy passwords can be guessed without even requiring technical skills. We usually keep passwords that are easier to remember and when we are overly cautious about something, we pick a password that has a healthy mix of upper case, lower case, special characters, and numbers. However, if the password is longer than 8 characters, and has around 15 or more characters with a mix of upper case, lower case, special characters, and numbers, it can take more than a trillion years to crack. As per a colorful chart prepared by Hive, it takes around nine months to crack a password with 18 characters consisting of numbers only, 23 million years if the password consists of only lower case letters, 61 million years if it consists of upper and lower case both and 100 trillion years if it consists of numbers, uppercase, lowercase.