Delhi court orders FIR against Arnab Goswami, Republic TV on Shashi Tharoor’s complaint of ‘stealing’ Sunanda death probe documents
Op IndiaA Delhi Court has ordered registration of FIR against Republic TV and its editor Arnab Goswami on a complained filed by Shashi Tharoor. In the complaint, Shashi Tharoor had accused Republic TV and Arnab Goswami of gaining illegal access to police records and his email account, and then broadcasting the same on the channel to boost its viewership. Further, when Shashi Tharoor had made RTI queries with the Delhi Police, he was informed that “it is not permissible to share the information/documents related to any investigation to any public member/ media till the case is pending investigation”. Shashi Tharoor alleged that the RTI reply clearly indicates that the channel had accessed the documents illegally, but the police did not take any action, forcing him to file the complaint with the court.