The many infirmities of drugs and medical devices bill
Live MintThe new Drugs, Medical Devices and Cosmetics Bill 2022—proposed replacement for the pre-Independence Drugs and Cosmetics Act 1940—is a step forward in making the law more contemporary but still falls short of what is required. Recognising medical devices as a separate category in its own right is welcome—till now, it has been regulated on par with drugs, vetted by the same technical body that vets drugs. In order to make the regulation of drugs and medical devices a rigorous process, and insulated from influence peddling mediated through politicians and civil servants, the regulator must be made autonomous, as in the case of telecom and power, with an appellate body instituted alongside. The Drugs, Medical Devices and Cosmetics Bill 2022 could, thus, do with many useful changes to make it useful in the present and future-ready, to boot.