Why Ivanka Trump Is So Obsessed With Making Kissy-Faces
7 years, 9 months ago

Why Ivanka Trump Is So Obsessed With Making Kissy-Faces


After declaring on Monday’s Fox & Friends that her time in the White House thus far had been marked by “a level of viciousness that I was not expecting,” Ivanka Trump was hit with some blowback. Huffington Post: “Earth to Ivanka Trump: Your Dad Invented Vicious.” CNN: Those “10 words … blew up Ivanka’s reintroduction tour.” So Ivanka retreated to the safety of Instagram. Ivanka loves to convey “soft-edged materfamilias wrongly cast as a brutal political henchwoman,” and the kissy-face is like the visual embodiment of her awkward everywomanism. As Broadly once put it, “Ivanka Trump doesn’t have a personality—she has a content strategy.” When Ivanka makes kissy-faces, she is attempting to reveal a bit of her totally normal, approachable personality, but all she’s really revealing is that she … loves blowing kisses, and like a robotic processing human code, thinks it makes her look more fun.

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