Indiana governor eyes big rollback of virus restrictions
4 years, 8 months ago

Indiana governor eyes big rollback of virus restrictions

Associated Press  

INDIANAPOLIS — Indiana Gov. Holcomb said he decided to ease restrictions in 89 of the state’s 92 counties because he believes Indiana’s COVID-19 spread has stabilized enough that hospitals are able to care for those who are seriously ill. “Our effort going forward will be all about managing through this crisis,” Holcomb said. And we’re taking the responsible steps and allowing folks to responsibly and safely return to some normal aspects of their life.” The new state order comes as Indiana officials have reported nearly 1,200 confirmed or suspected COVID-19 deaths since mid-March, including 55 new fatalities announced Friday by health officials. Holcomb’s new order keeps previous restrictions in place for Marion and Lake counties, which are the state’s largest and lead Indiana in COVID-19 deaths, and Cass County in rural northern Indiana, which had a large outbreak that prompted the closing of a Tyson meatpacking plant last week. “They’ve been hit with a double whammy: first they were forced to shut their doors, and then they were given a horrific federal plan that filled them with hopes of recovery but left them with nothing.” Holcomb highlighted state statistics showing a gradual decline in COVID-19 hospitalizations since April 1 and steady availability of intensive care unit beds in the state for feeling safe to ease restrictions.

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