Smart robotic arm inspired by elephant nose, octopus tentacle
3 months ago

Smart robotic arm inspired by elephant nose, octopus tentacle

China Daily  

HEFEI -- Inspired by the agility of elephant trunks and octopus tentacles, a team of scientists from a Chinese university has developed a highly dexterous spiral soft robot's arm comparable to the human hand in multiple grabbing tasks. Demonstration videos have showcased the tentacle-like robotic arm's impressive capabilities: it can effortlessly grasp delicate objects like eggs, strawberries and USB cables, securely catch a speeding tennis ball, and swiftly punch a ping-pong ball with precision. The bioinspired robotic system, SpiRobs, has demonstrated sophisticated gripping maneuvers through a series of movements, including reeling, extending, winding and grasping, with a near 95 percent success rate, according to the study published in the journal Device. In a field test, a drone-equipped robotic arm adeptly seized and hoisted a water bucket, showcasing potential for future use in the low-altitude economy sector.

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