If you want uncontrolled immigration, mandatory wokery and kow-towing to Brussels, then go right ahead and vote for Starmer: BORIS JOHNSON's rousing rally cry to disaffected Tories
8 months, 2 weeks ago

If you want uncontrolled immigration, mandatory wokery and kow-towing to Brussels, then go right ahead and vote for Starmer: BORIS JOHNSON's rousing rally cry to disaffected Tories

Daily Mail  

Good evening everyone and can I say how grateful I am for everything you have been doing and for coming so late tonight – way beyond Keir Starmer's bedtime, we are told. Good evening everyone and can I say how grateful I am for everything you have been doing and for coming so late tonight – way beyond Keir Starmer's bedtime, we are told And if you are slightly surprised to see me, I want to be clear that I was glad when the PM asked me for help and I could not say no And so we cannot just sit back as a Labour government prepares to use a sledgehammer majority to destroy so much of what we achieved – what you achieved Five years ago you helped to send Jeremy Corbyn and his then disciple Keir Starmer into orbit — and we got Brexit done. And yet all this is coming now, this week, this gigantic Labour majority pregnant with horrors – because even though Labour's share of the vote is far lower than ours was in 2019, and even though Starmer has record low approval ratings for a man in his position, our system will deliver that supermajority. They can achieve nothing in this election except to usher in the most Left-wing Labour government since the war, with a huge majority, and we must not let it happen If you actually want higher taxes – if you feel you have a few thousand to spare – then vote Labour on Thursday.

History of this topic

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