#34: The superpower of hydration on health
Times of IndiaDr. Nickhil Jakatdar has been working at the cutting edge of preventive health and longevity over the last 10 years with the 3 D’s – data, doctors, and dietitians – to go from being diagnosed with heart disease at the age of 41, to now having all his blood markers and body measurements in the green and his epigenetic biological age at 41 while his chronological age is 51. The science of hydration Let’s start with the fact that while hydration and drinking water sound synonymous, there are multiple ways of staying hydrated in addition to consuming water. Drinking water helps maintain the skin’s natural moisture barrier, reducing the appearance of fine lines and improving overall skin texture. When taking creatine, which I do with my protein shake for improved muscle mass and recovery, increased water intake helps with absorption, muscle hydration, and prevents dehydration during exercise. Finally, let me add one time of the day that isn’t a good time to drink water, and that is for an hour, and preferably two, before going to bed.