Shocking story of how cheating husband almost got away with murder after driving wife off cliff overlooking couple's favorite view
6 months ago

Shocking story of how cheating husband almost got away with murder after driving wife off cliff overlooking couple's favorite view

Daily Mail  

A misogynistic courtroom remark sealed the fate of a wealthy art dealer who wanted to murder his wife so badly, he nearly killed himself in the process, according to the man who brought him to justice. Art dealer Peter Bergna and his wife Rinette were the envy of their friends as they enjoyed a life of glamour and international travel from their home on Lake Tahoe But that life to a brutal end for Rinette when her husband drove their car over an 800ft precipice on Slide Mountain in Nevada, throwing himself to safety in the process Bergna was handed a sentence of 20 years to life for the first degree murder of his wife. Bergna was brought back to the scene of the crash and watched on unmoved as his wife's body was retrieved by police from the wreckage below 'It wasn't a scrape and punch through the guardrail. It took five years and two trials for Bergna to be convicted of the first degree murder of his wife 'One did not like policemen at all, one didn't like the evidence, and one said it should be in God's hands,' Beltron said. He has always maintained his innocence and faces his first parole hearing next year They said the car hit the barrier at an angle of 60 to 90 degrees when Bergna steered sharply into it while driving down the steep road at around 30mph.

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