Surgeons at Srirangam govt. hospital perform targeted muscle reinnervation procedure on daily worker from Pudukottai
9 months ago

Surgeons at Srirangam govt. hospital perform targeted muscle reinnervation procedure on daily worker from Pudukottai

The Hindu  

A daily wage worker from Kalakudi Thoppu in Aranthagi, Pudukkottai district, recently underwent a procedure at the Srirangam Government Hospital that involved a below-knee amputation with targeted muscle reinnervation to treat squamous cell carcinoma, a malignancy caused by a chronic ulcer on his left foot. In a statement, John Viswanath, chief consultant orthopaedic and deformity correction surgeon, at the hospital who led the operative team, said the patient had been suffering from chronic, non-healing ulcer with fungating growth on his left ankle and foot. The procedure targeted the superficial peroneal nerve, deep peroneal nerve, tibial nerve, saphenous nerve, sural nerve, medial sural nerve, and lateral sural nerve, and was aimed at preventing post-operative neuromas, phantom limb pain, and residual limb pain. It would pave the way for effective use of myoelectric prosthetic limbs, ensuring optimal mobility and stability, said Dr. Viswanath.

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