Travelling with coronavirus scare: What to do if you are on a flight
India TodayTravelling abroad in the times when coronavirus has spread to more than 25 countries can put your life to risk. "In fact, masks and gloves sp There is a low risk of catching a serious infection on a flight as the air supply inside an aircraft is different from what is used in a movie theater or inside the building of an office. #Coronavirus#Coronavirusoutbreak SkymetWeather February 12, 2020 It also stated that it is actually the physical contact with other people that carries the potential risk of coronavirus infection on flights as the virus can't stand alone for long hours on seats or armrests. The report also explained that the transmission of infection on flights is not because of the air but because of physical contact with another person. "There is a low risk of catching a serious infection on a flight as the air supply inside an aircraft is different from what is used in a movie theater or inside the building of an office.