Coronavirus | All residents of Indore set to be screened for Influenza-Like Illness and Severe Acute Respiratory Illness
The HinduAs Indore grapples with a high fatality rate from COVID-19, the city administration is surveying all residents for Influenza-Like Illness and Severe Acute Respiratory Illness to check the spread of the novel coronavirus. Coronavirus | India pegs fatality rate at 3.3% With 707 COVID-19 cases as of Thursday, Indore has the third highest number of cases in the country, after Mumbai and New Delhi. Interactive map of confirmed coronavirus cases in India |State-wise tracker for coronavirus cases, deaths and testing rates Most of the 39 people who died in the city suffered from bilateral pneumonia, which worsened to Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome that caused the death. India coronavirus lockdown Day 23 updates | Helpline numbers Early spotting of respiratory illnesses, whose symptoms are identical to those of COVID-19 in the initial stages, may help to pre-empt the disease load in patients.