Millennial boss shares struggle of dealing with boomer, GenZ at the same time: ‘End up disappointing both’
1 month, 2 weeks ago

Millennial boss shares struggle of dealing with boomer, GenZ at the same time: ‘End up disappointing both’

Live Mint  

Gurgaon-based HR firm founder Mayank Sharma narrated the ordeal of being a millennial boss. Outlining the contrasts between an old-school leadership that insists on long hours, daily office attendance and formal dress code, he stated, “Being a millennial boss is really hard. You have a boomer or an older millennial boss who wants you to torture your team, make people work late hours, ask people to come to the office daily, and wear sophisticated clothes.” Mayank Sharma alleged that a younger workforce prioritises flexibility, work-life balance, and a casual dress code. While trying to balance traditional work demands with younger employees' needs for flexibility, he said millennial boss disappoints both. Generation who entered in the Corporate Sector when WFH was a situation now it's an expectation.” Another user commented, “Basically, being a millennial boss in India means your boomer boss wants you to run the office like it’s Dunder Mifflin, while your Gen Z team wants it to be Zomato Blinkit.

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