"That's f**king corruption!": Jon Stewart corners top Pentagon official in epic confrontation
1 year, 8 months ago

"That's f**king corruption!": Jon Stewart corners top Pentagon official in epic confrontation


Comedian and talk show host Jon Stewart called out a top Pentagon official over "corruption" at the Department of Defense during an interview last week. Stewart interviewed Kathleen Hicks, the deputy secretary of Defense, at the War Horse Symposium at the University of Chicago on April 6, delving into intense questions about the military defense budget. At one point in the discussion, titled "The Human Impact of Military Service," Stewart underscored the Pentagon's most recent audit, in which the chief comptroller determined that the military was unable to account for a whopping 60% of its assets. "We're putting our money where our mouth is in areas like child care … We do think we're getting better on that," Hicks said.

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