Zoom India chief says consumers love it, not worried about competitors
India TodayZoom is already a household name in India. In an exclusive conversation with India Today Tech, Zoom India head Sameer Raje talks about how the global lockdowns have led to the proliferation of Zoom and other collaboration apps, what the company is doing to make the app, say, useful for life during and after the Covid-19 pandemic, growth in India, the increasing competition in the market, its compliance with Indian government's guidelines, the end-to-end encryption, and ultimately, the "China" connection that has led to loose talk among users. Raje tells India Today Tech that Zoom's focus is "always on to provide the right information." Highlighting Zoom's job as a company, Raje said, "Our responsibility is to share the right information with the government, which we are doing. When asked about whether Zoom will comply with data localisation norms, which is yet to be passed in the parliament, for basic-tier users whose data is stored in the US currently, Raje said, "We will bring a company that is focused on India, we will comply with whatever laws and demands the Indian government has."