Indian cos raised Rs 6 lakh crore from equity, debt markets in 2018; volatile market conditions brought down kitty by 30%
FirstpostData shows the debt market remains the most preferred route for raising funds to support business needs of the corporate world. New Delhi: Indian companies have raised nearly Rs 6 lakh crore from equity and debt instruments in 2018, but volatile market conditions brought down the kitty by 30 percent and political uncertainties ahead of the 2019 general elections may again cast a shadow on fund-raising activities in first half of the new year. Out of the cumulative Rs 5.9 lakh crore garnered so far this year from capital markets, a large chunk or Rs 5.1 lakh crore has been mopped up from the debt market and the remaining amount of about Rs 78,500 came from equity markets, figures compiled by data analytics major Prime Database showed. The final figures may go up to end the year at around Rs 6 lakh crore for debt and equities, experts said. Despite getting regulator SEBI’s go-ahead to float initial share-sales worth over Rs 60,000 crore in 2018, the year saw a total of 24 IPOs raising only Rs 30,959 crore.