Outgoing Washington governor suggests ‘wealth tax’ to avoid cuts to education and police
3 weeks, 1 day ago

Outgoing Washington governor suggests ‘wealth tax’ to avoid cuts to education and police

Associated Press  

SEATTLE — Outgoing Washington Gov. The tax would apply to about 3,400 residents — Microsoft founder Bill Gates among them — and bring in $10.3 billion over four years, Inslee, a Democrat, said Tuesday. Lawmakers in several Democratic-led states, including Washington, have in recent years proposed wealth or other taxes on their richest inhabitants, with Massachusetts voters in 2022 approving a “millionaire tax” — an income tax surcharge on those making more than $1 million a year. “Governor Inslee’s $13 billion tax hike and reckless spending increase show just how out of touch his administration is with the financial realities facing Washington families,” Couture said. Inslee said that in addition to the wealth tax, his budget proposal includes increased taxes on about 20,000 businesses annual income of more than $1 million in the “service and other activities” category, such as some lawyers and accountants.

History of this topic

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