To live-in or get married? This question has Gen Z in a bind
1 year, 3 months ago

To live-in or get married? This question has Gen Z in a bind

Live Mint  

It clearly marks a progression in societal mindsets, when actor Kareena Kapoor talks about living-in with Saif Ali Khan for five years, and no one bats an eyelid. While centuries-old matrimony norms are indelibly coded into our behaviour patterns, the same doesn’t hold true for living together without marriage. G is a pet parent to a golden retriever called Bruno, who obviously moved with her to V’s house. “Isn’t this their home and shouldn’t B be more collaborative in doing up this house?” asks N. Again, this is an issue that many married couples also experience in their relationship. As things stand, the decision to get married or to live-in depends on the couples’ confidence levels – together and individually.

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