Politicians fear deepfakes could change the face of this election campaign
1 month, 3 weeks ago

Politicians fear deepfakes could change the face of this election campaign


Sitting in a Sydney television studio, Greens senator David Shoebridge is calling for cannabis to be legalised — or at least that's what it looks like. The accent is off, with an American twang, but Senator Shoebridge says it's otherwise "uncomfortably persuasive". Senator David Shoebridge says the deepfake video of him is "uncomfortably persuasive". "It seems like everyone's concerned about this except the major parties … so I figured maybe I need to show them what is possible," Senator Pocock says. "Much more prominent were more familiar methods of undermining public trust in elections, such as misleading statements, sometimes by high-profile individuals, primarily via social media platforms," an AEC spokesperson told the ABC.

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