Monarchist old guard bracing for new fight as Albanese government considers putting more taxpayer resources behind republic push
ABCAt a Sydney mansion on the Queen's Birthday long weekend, some of Her Majesty's most loyal Australian subjects criticised what they called the republican "elites". Key points: Some monarchists claim the starting gun for a second Australian republic referendum has been fired The new Assistant Minister for a Republic hopes to educate Australians about the issue Both monarchists and republicans are trying to win over young Australians They had gathered to celebrate Queen Elizabeth II's Platinum Jubilee and belted out a rendition of God Save the Queen, as they reflected on the monarch's 70 years on the throne. "We … anticipate a drawn-out campaign led by the minister, Matt Thistlethwaite, in which he will promote a republic with the full backing of the government and with all expenses paid for by the taxpayer," said Philip Benwell, the head of the Australian Monarchist League. New Assistant Minister wants taxpayer resources behind republic push Monarchists claim the federal government wants to steadily lay much of the groundwork required for a second referendum before the Queen dies. "Many young people, like me, aren't aware that the monarchy is the head of state in Australia," said Tristan Layton, who is part of the Australian Republic Movement.
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