Suspect charged with raping Ohio girl, 10, appears in court
Daily MailGerson Fuentes, 27, was arraigned on Wednesday in Columbus, Ohio The suspect charged with raping and impregnating a 10-year-old girl in Ohio has appeared in court, after the case made global waves when the victim had to cross state lines to obtain an abortion due to the Supreme Court's recent ruling. He is accused of raping a 10-year-old girl who had to cross state lines for an abortion In court, a detective testified that the victim in the case was forced to travel to Indiana to get an abortion following the Dobbs ruling The parties are show at Wednesday's arraignment of Gerson Fuentes Yost said his state investigators are 'ready to support law enforcement across Ohio putting these criminals behind bars.' But many abortion opponents had cast doubt on the story, including Yost, who appeared on Fox News Monday to say his office works closely with police departments across the state, but had heard 'not a whisper anywhere' of the 10-year-old girl's ordeal. Ohio AG Dave Yost Yost had claimed in an interview Monday there's no 'biological evidence' to the story, and that he hasn't heard a 'whisper anywhere' about the little girl In a statement on Wednesday, Yost quickly took a different tack on the case The Ohio ban has no exceptions for cases of rape, and the child victim was reportedly just days past the state's deadline to obtain an abortion when authorities learned of her rape and pregnancy.