Teenager thanks opticians for spotting condition and saving eyesight
The IndependentGet the free Morning Headlines email for news from our reporters across the world Sign up to our free Morning Headlines email Sign up to our free Morning Headlines email SIGN UP I would like to be emailed about offers, events and updates from The Independent. Carly Stewart’s vision unexpectedly and quickly deteriorated one day a year ago, and she had to use the voice command option on her phone to call for help as she could barely see. A lumbar puncture was performed, which Ms Stewart described as “the most extreme pain I’ve ever known”, but she said the relief afterwards was like “they had popped a balloon in my head”. Mr Drain said: “We are so pleased to see Carly is making a great recovery and her general wellbeing has improved after she came to us in such distress last year. “I would urge anyone who is concerned about any kind of visual disturbance to contact their local optician.” Ms Stewart added: “When I went back into Specsavers, Vicky gave me such a warm embrace – I felt everyone at the store understood my whole experience and were so supportive.
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