Govt. mulling honorary senior ranks for retiring paramilitary personnel if not promoted on time, says former Director General of CRPF
1 week, 2 days ago

Govt. mulling honorary senior ranks for retiring paramilitary personnel if not promoted on time, says former Director General of CRPF

The Hindu  

Amid delays in promotion, the government is mulling honorary senior ranks for eligible Central Armed Police Force personnel a month before they retire in order to “boost their morale”, according to Central Reserve Police Force Director General Anish Dayal Singh who retired on December 31. Mr. Singh, in conversation with CRPF officers on the last day in office on Tuesday, said that jawans and officers who benefit from Modified Assured Career Progression but have not been granted promotion in rank due to constraints of the organising principle of the security force may use the insignia for the next senior rank on their uniforms a month before they retire. According to the proposal, the promotion or the senior rank will reflect in the service records and personnel will be given the pay eligible, a senior CRPF official said. “If a Constable has completed ten years in service and is eligible to be promoted as Head Constable upon fulfilling other criteria, and is still not promoted to the next rank due to the lack of vacancies, he or she may be given the financial benefit and the honorary rank if he is due for retirement.

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