最让世人艳羡的10个工作 其实没你想的那么美好(下)
China Daily10 'dream' jobs that aren't as glamorous as you might think 职业运动员、宇航员、时尚设计师、超模……这些都是世人心中的理想工作,光鲜体面又多金,这样的好工作谁不想要呢?可是,在名利双收的背后,却隐藏着不为人所知的艰辛和无奈。 最让世人艳羡的10个工作 其实没你想的那么美好(下) Photo by Braden Collum on Unsplash If you've ever scored a game-winning goal or home run, you've definitely dreamed of going pro. 即使是在短期内,宇航员也要为了科学对抗各种障碍。在低重力状态下,你的内耳功能会失常,无法和眼睛捕捉到的空间信息相匹配,从而导致晕动病。除了感到头晕和不适外,长时间居住在密闭隔离的空间里,可选择的食物又很有限,这种生活会逐渐将你击垮。 Photo by Luke Bender on Unsplash Working on a luxury yacht seems like the perfect way to get paid to travel the world. 尽管在豪华游艇上度假很有趣,但在游艇上工作却很紧张。商业内幕网采访了几名超级游艇的船员,他们透露说,经常天不亮就起床,半夜了还不能休息。 One crew member said he faces "very, very long days with little rest and expectations to perform at the highest levels of service while not losing your cool under pressure." 除此以外,游艇客人的需求还没完没了。另一位游艇员工描述了自己的一天:“一天三次食物和饮料服务。游艇主人会因为需求或一时兴起不断地改变计划和日程,还是挺让人沮丧的。” Photo by Chalo Garcia on Unsplash If you ever watched "Project Runway," you probably dreamed of becoming a fashion designer, but the fashion industry can be a tough one to crack. 另外,你还需要极大的耐心。获奖野生动物摄影师理查德·彼得斯告诉旅游杂志《美国远方》说,他不得不“在一个森林里挖地洞……在地洞里一待就是10个小时,连续两天等待一只从不露面的猞猁。” And if this scenario still seems dreamy to you, he reminds aspiring photographers that he usually spends the majority of his time editing photos on the computer, not traveling the world.
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最让世人艳羡的10个工作 其实没你想的那么美好(下)
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让世人艳羡的10个工作 其实没你想的那么美好(上)
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让世人艳羡的10个工作 其实没你想的那么美好(上)
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