Solidarity In A Time Of Social Distancing
Huff PostLOADING ERROR LOADING NEW YORK CITY — A band practices rhythmic, shoegazey indie rock at a polite volume a floor above me. I’ve lived for three years in this five-story, 40-unit apartment building, built in 1917 as the subway expanded and New York City swallowed up farmland to expel the dense urban terrain we now know as Astoria, Queens. Chief among them is to engage in social distancing, the act of staying home to avoid interactions in which you could unknowingly spread COVID-19, the disease caused by the new virus. If your city hasn’t done so, you can sign petitions demanding that city officials halt these actions, or go further and call for a complete suspension of rent, mortgage and utility payments during the crisis. Take, for example, what’s being called the Stanford meme, which claims to be providing information from a Stanford University health professional.