America's doomsday fears REVEALED: Worries range from World War 3 to killer robots - but another dreaded scenario is the scariest of all
11 months, 1 week ago

America's doomsday fears REVEALED: Worries range from World War 3 to killer robots - but another dreaded scenario is the scariest of all

Daily Mail  

We live in frightening times. The Pentagon's four legged robot dogs may offer a glimpse of what killer machines will look like Republican voters most fear economic collapse, Democrats are more alarmed by climate change An economic meltdown is the top fear for a third of respondents. The wildfire damage in Lahaina on Maui Island alerted many people to the dangers of climate change US tanks near the demilitarized zone between the Koreas, which many fear could spark a major nuclear confrontation Greg Gwiasda, another pollster, said the economy is a top concern because it's in the headlines all the time — and most of it is bad news. The Terminator movie franchise drove home how artificial intelligence and killer robots could hurt humanity Meanwhile, Israel's assault on Gaza militants could yet spiral into a wider conflict with Iran. Many Americans known as survivalists or preppers have stocked their basements, ready for an economic implosion, or other doomsday scenario And while the COVID-19 outbreak that claimed 7 million lives globally is in the rearview mirror, 12 percent of Americans say another pandemic is their biggest worry.

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