The Constitution and RBI are two mighty pillars on which India’s stability rests
Live MintThe formidable institutional structure of the US will be severely tested today by both the presidential election process and its aftermath, whatever the outcome. The year 1935 also saw the establishment of the Reserve Bank of India with core functions as defined in those nascent days of central banking: issuance of bank notes and maintenance of reserves to secure monetary stability, regulation of banking institutions, issuance of public debt and being banker to the government. The Constitution and the RBI are the two mighty pillars which have given structural stability to India and its people. The conference featured some very interesting academic papers on inflation targeting, as mandated by the 2016 amendment to the RBI Act, a mandate pursued flexibly since it permitted “keeping in mind the objective of growth." An excellent academic paper showed results from surveys conducted across many countries on how people’s inflationary expectations are formed principally around a small set of products, although this set varies from one country to another.