The only way is Chavscot: New Ascot reality TV show causes an uproar
6 years, 7 months ago

The only way is Chavscot: New Ascot reality TV show causes an uproar

Daily Mail  

It’s a scene reminiscent of chucking-out time in Magaluf – a riot of screaming, twenty-something women, lathered in fake tan, lunging at one another while their tipsy boyfriends try to pull them apart. ‘It’s bad enough that for Royal Ascot we get outsiders who turn the High Street into an open lavatory, get high on drugs, then make a spectacle of themselves. One contributor fretted that the show would hit house prices, another complained the participants were all ‘chavvy’ outsiders who would lower the tone of the area. ‘But I suggested that my stock was perhaps too tasteful and definitely not blingy enough judging by what they were looking for.’ One eyewitness told this paper that he saw show star Leah Fletcher, a popular Instagram ‘personality’, having a ‘row’ with another woman at Windsor Racecourse. The show's rather racy runners and riders A pretend princess: Claudia Laura Smith wants to be a superstar singer but in the meantime she impersonates Disney princesses at parties She loves to horse around: Amber Tucker-Chandler doesn’t just like to dress up in designer threads and watch horseriding, she also plays polo The hair apparent: Leah Fletcher’s favourite pastime appears to be showing off her hair extensions in heavily filtered photos The face of YouTube: Mia Sully shares her make-up tips with her thousands of YouTube followers.

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