Devastated owner reveals 18-week-old puppy was so terrified of fireworks she DIED from heart attack
5 years, 4 months ago

Devastated owner reveals 18-week-old puppy was so terrified of fireworks she DIED from heart attack

Daily Mail  

A devastated dog owner shared a heartbreaking Facebook post revealing her 18-week-old puppy suffered a fatal heart attack due to fireworks. Taking to the Facebook group Wombwell Wise, Susan urged fellow users to sign a petition against the use of fireworks outside of organised events and called on them to support a group dedicated to eradicating random firework use. Sharing adorable photos of little Molly, Susan wrote: 'Due to the enormous amount of fireworks with loud bangs going off around Wombwell and lower Darfield last night, we lost a young terrier with a heart attack. Sharing adorable photos of little Molly, Susan wrote: 'Due to the enormous amount of fireworks with loud bangs going off around Wombwell and lower Darfield last night, we lost a young terrier with a heart attack' Taking to Facebook, Susan urged fellow users to sign a petition against the use of fireworks outside of organised events and called on them to support a group dedicated to eradicating random firework use Earlier this morning she added: 'Molly may be gone but she will never be forgotten and will live on in our hearts.'

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