Looking for a date? Head to a run club
Live MintTejaswini Nair, a product manager in Bengaluru, was in a bad place last November after she lost her dog within months of ending a long relationship. Unlike Nair, who has never once used a dating app, Bengaluru-based Aniket Roy, 27, has used all dating apps across the world because he “travels a lot" but has grown “bored and tired" of them. These days, Roy, international business lead for a fintech firm, prefers joining local run clubs and attending events to meet singles and new people instead of swiping. Run clubs, exercise-themed events and padel and pickleball courts are increasingly emerging as the places to find love, friendship and flings as people grow sceptical and tired of a digital-first approach to dating through apps such as Tinder, Bumble and Hinge, which had enjoyed plenty of success before the pandemic. MAKE IT SPORTY Nair, who is still in touch with two people she met at the Singles Run, says she would readily attend more sports and exercise-themed mixers even if they are organised by dating apps.
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