How An Average American Skier Managed To Scheme Her Way Into The Olympics
7 years, 1 month ago

How An Average American Skier Managed To Scheme Her Way Into The Olympics


How An Average American Skier Managed To Scheme Her Way Into The Olympics Enlarge this image toggle caption Kin Cheung/AP Kin Cheung/AP It's not easy to qualify for the Olympics, but it might not require super-human athletic ability either. There are 24 spots available in women's ski halfpipe for the Pyeongchang Olympics, but the maximum number of athletes each country can send to the Olympics for the event is four, according to NBC. Sponsor Message While some considered Swaney's appearance to be harmless, critics say she made a mockery of the Olympics and knocked out legitimate athletes. "It's not some adult Disney world where you go to take selfies," one commenter wrote on Swaney's Instagram account.

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